
How To Register For Majestic Garden

The Majestic Garden is a forum for psychedelics and harm reduction on Tor. Unlike most other marketplaces, it does not feature the usual visual representation of listings, nor does it have a streamlined ordering and purchasing system.

The Majestic Garden is a forum for psychedelics and harm reduction on Tor. Unlike most other marketplaces, it does not feature the usual visual representation of listings, nor does it have a streamlined ordering and purchasing system. Even so, some members of the forum buy and sell goods through peer-to-peer (P2P) methods.

Update: Although we had previously stated that registrations were closed for this site, they are now open, but only under very specific restrictions. See below for instructions.












How to Access The Majestic Garden

tor browser

As with all of the other markets we've discussed so far, The Majestic Garden exists on the Tor network. Therefore, you'll need a special browser called the Tor Browser to access it. It just so happens that we have a tutorial entitled How to Access Tor (.Onion) Sites, for those of you who are unfamiliar with this process (and which goes into more detail).

One difference between The Majestic Garden and other markets, however, is that if you click a link to it with a v2 onion address (such as http://2oywvwmtzdelmiei.onion), it will redirect you to a second link list with mirror sites. The mirror sites are all v3 onions, and are listed above (as well as in this screenshot).

majestic garden links

Creating an Account

Majestic Garden recently re-opened registrations, but has a very stringent set of rules for those who wish to register, specifically regarding PGP keys and email addresses. Here are the rules (quoted from their site):

In order to be allowed into our community, you MUST have a PGP key that is compliant with our standards. Failure to comply with these standards will result in your account not being allowed to register and you will have to register a new, different account. ALL KEYS ARE INDIVIDUALLY VALIDATED! You only get one shot at this, so please read the following requirements carefully:

1) Keys must feature your TMG user-name; key and username MUST be the SAME

2) Keys must be at least 3072-bits, with 4096-bit keys preferred

3) Keys must have an encryption sub-key of at least 3072-bits, with 4096-bits preferred

   4) Hashes must be at least SHA-256 or higher

5) If you can generate the PGP key with no email attached to it then this should be your preferred option

6) If your PGP software will not let you generate a hey without an email then you must consider the following:-

- Keys must NOT have a clearnet email (valid or otherwise) attached to it, so absolutely no @gmail, @hotmail, @yahoo, @outlook, @icloud etc

- If you make up an email please avoid using a potentially valid domain name, use something entirely random  that can never be potentially valid and deliverable like @tmg.lsd

- If you do use a valid email only use .onion darknet email services

7) Keys are not generated using a mobile device i.e have user strings like APGv1 etc

8 ) All PGP keys based on the Bouncy Castle Java crypto libraries are strictly NOT permitted on TMG:

    Version: BCPG v1.45
    Version: BCPG v1.47
    Version: BCPG C# v1.6.1.0

9 ) PGP keys from Mailvelope,, OpenPGP.js and iGolder will not be permitted either.

10)Once you've posted your key in the PGP Key thread on TMG, could you please add a link to your key in your forum signature. The PGP Key thread can be found here: hxxp://currently-active-tmg-url.onion/index.php?topic=8.0

To add a link to your forum signature, simply click on  -  Profile  >>  Forum Profile  >>  Signature.  Then just paste the link in the box provided and click on Change Profile. That's it.

11) Once you are done with the above, go to the topic called "The Step-by-Step guide to TMG **START HERE**", located in the Welcome section of the Newbie Corner.


Thank you and Welcome to TMG!

If you are unfamiliar with PGP in general, we also have a tutorial for it here:How to Use PGP for Encryption. The tutorial states that the default size for a key is 2048 bits, but as mentioned in TMG's instructions, they require keys to be at least 3072 bits in size. Part of the reason for this is that many markets have been seized by law enforcement recently, and some of the cases have involved users' private keys being cracked or stolen.

the hub

Interface and Functions

majestic garden functions

TMG's interface is very much like other Tor forums. At the top of the main page is a general menu, with the following options:

  • Home - takes you back to the homepage.
  • Help - explains some of the basic functions of the site, like registration, logging in, profiles, and posting. Simple Machines Forum software was used to create this site, so the help links redirect to the Simple Machines wiki.
  • Search - search the forum for topics of interest.
  • Profile - view your profile, change account settings, and add information to your profile.
  • My Messages - read your messages or send messages to other users.
  • Logout - log out of your account. Note: if you tell the site to only keep you logged in for a specific amount of time (such as 1 hour), you will be automatically logged out after that time.

Below this you will see a series of forum topics; you can join any discussion which suits your interests. If it's your first time on the site, you may want to visit "Newbie corner."

majestic garden topics

Overall, The Majestic Garden seems fairly easy to use and to navigate. If you're accustomed to non-forum markets, however, it may be a bit of an adjustment, as there aren't neatly arranged categories and search filters to find specific goods. This site may be better as a place to find recommendations for other markets you should visit, rather than a market itself.

Categories and Listings

As mentioned earlier, The Majestic Garden is not your typical market; there are no regular "listings" as you would find on most other markets. Nonetheless, there are topics and threads that may be of interest to you. Here's a small sampling:

  • PGP Encryption
  • The Garden Gallery - for artists on the site who want to feature their work
  • Crypto & Cryptocurrency Corner- discussion about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
  • LSD
  • Psilocybin
  • Cannabis
  • DMT
  • LSD TEKs
  • DMT TEKs
  • Shroom TEKs

Search Functions and Filters

As on most markets, The Majestic Garden has a search function with several different filters. In the search field, type in any search term, such as "shrooms." You'll then see results matching your search.

If you want to narrow down your search, you can use the following filters:

  • Match all words – match the exact phrase you type in

  • Match any words – match any individual words you type in

  • By user - choose a specific username to search for

  • Search order - Most relevant results first, largest topics first, smallest topics first, most recent topics first, or oldest topics first

  • Options – Show results as messages or search in topic subjects only

  • Message Age – choose a range for how old the message is that you're searching for (0-9999 days).

majestic garden search

How to Choose a Vendor

As we explained above, because The Majestic Garden uses a different format than markets that you may be used to, choosing a vendor may be tricky. Even so, there is a section called "Vendor Information and Reviews" just for this purpose.

majestic garden vendors

In this section, you can read reviews by other members of specific vendors and their products, as well as receive offers (discounts) given to members of the site. There is also a thread entitled "New Active Vendors," in which vendors that are just starting to sell can introduce themselves to the community and advertise what they're selling.

How to Buy Products

Because it isn't a typical market, buying products on The Majestic Garden is a bit more challenging than on other sites. The only way to buy directly on the site is through peer-to-peer transactions, which would take place in private messages. The problem with this, as you may know, is that there's no guarantee that you'll receive goods that you pay for, particularly if you don't know the vendor.

Be that as it may, what most people seem to do with regard to buying things is to read threads on a specific vendor's products, and then visit the markets on which they regularly sell their goods. This makes the process far easier and safer than buying products without the check-and-balance systems that most markets have, like escrow and multisig.


Like the other functions of the site, The Majestic Garden's support differs from other darknet markets. Rather than filling out a support ticket, like you would on other sites, there is a topic entitled "Support," which contains two threads: "Forum" and "Security."

majestic garden support

"Forum" is for general questions related to the site, while "Security" is related to subjects like PGP, VPNs, operating systems, and other anonymity and security issues. You can also visit the "Rules & Protocols," "General Annoucements," or "Important Info" threads for general information about the site.

Pros and Cons


  • Great forum for information about psychedelics, harm reduction, and security

  • Fairly intuitive interface and functions

  • Supportive community who are willing to help even those who are unfamiliar with these topics


  • Only sells products through P2P transactions; does not offer escrow, multisig, or other protections

  • Does not have a support ticket system like most markets (replaced by a help section)

  • Registration is currently closed; not accepting new members except through special arrangements

How To Register For Majestic Garden


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